Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

We know that the fruits of the spirit -our inner wealth- are:
Hope, kindness, love, peace, humility, patience, tolerance, compassion, gratefulness, gratitude, wisdom, joy, meekness (a humble heart), the gift of giving, and so on... We also know that the qualities of the character -our inner wealth- are: Honesty, respect, responsibility, commitment, loyalty, trustworthiness, ethics, unselfishness, hardworking, cleanliness, self-assurance, control of oneself, and so on...
Are we being good fruits for our dear Lord today??...
Are the qualities of our character blend well with the fruits of the spirit?? Ask yourself that question!!... Christian lives should be filled with good deeds.
"We shall know them by their fruits." Jesus Christ said in this Bible Verse. (Matthew 7:16)
Let us now, self-examine our own conscious within our inner self and see if the fruits of the spirit blend well with the qualities of the character. So, if the answer is yes, we are in balance with our own self and with the principles of a Christian life. Trust God in all circumstances, for He is so good all the time. I believe that God is in control, and He has a plan in our lives. Count your blessings one by one, not your troubles. Find joy and peace in your heart that will make you grow stronger. Strength and peace come first from within the spirit.
It is so important to consider the way you carry yourself at your best, and project your own image to others. So, this is the way how people may see your worth, as a whole person. Be nice with others, treat them the way you would like to be treated in return, and show the very best of you. The image you project from the outside, it will usually reflect your image from inside your heart, the real you and who you are. Achievement is the goal to pursue for a successful life.
Talk to the Lord in prayers on daily basis, which is the best communication with the Lord, confess to Him what is wrong with you that may offend Him, ask Him for forgiveness of your sins, ask for reconciliation with the Lord, which is so important, and promise to correct the wrong doings and make it better for the next day. Of course, reading your Bible on daily basis will provide you with comfort for your soul and food for thoughts in one hand, and it will certainly keep the devil away on the other hand. So, in this way, the slow process of learning in our lifetime will make us a bit more perfect each day to the eyes of our dear Lord.
Let us become an example of life for others to follow in the same path of a righteous Christian life!!... Let us pray!!...
Dear Lord,
Thank You for this brand new day that You are giving to us, for being with us this day and for the many blessings You grant to us!! We are sorry, sweet Lord, that we have said, thought or done things that were not pleasing You. We ask You for forgiveness. Grant us Lord, Your strength and peace that pass all understanding, and only You and You alone can give. Give us healings, where there is mental or physical illness. Give us a happy heart to show others our inner wealth. Inside our hearts, it is only You, Lord, shining through like a glowing beam over a colorful rainbow. Please, dear Lord Jesus, be with us in all circumstances, protect us also from evil doers. We love You and need You, Almighty Heavenly Father. We are nothing without You, but dust in the wind. The Glory is all Yours. We trust You and believe in You, dear Lord Jesus Christ. You are our Savior, our fortress and our rock of salvation. Please, show us the way with the light of the Holy Spirit. Lord, give us a joyful heart, where there is hurting somehow. Grant us Your unconditional love, touch our hearts with Your loving arms and lead us into Eternity, sweet Lord, if that is Your Will. God's Will be done in all circumstances. Your Heavenly love will embrace us until the end of time, as You promise. Lord, make us an instrument of Your peace. As we now, come to You with quiet personal prayers, we ask that You will listen to our needs. Thank You, Lord, for being with us at all times!! In Jesus' most precious and Holy Name, we pray. AMEN.
We are all mortal beings, and we should prepare ourselves to meet with our Heavenly Father and our dear Lord, Jesus one day, when He will call us to our final home in Heaven. Have you ever thought about this??...So, think about it now!!... I'll share a very inspirational Bible verse today. PSALM 23.
"THE LORD IS OUR SHEPHERD." The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green pastures and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water. He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths, as He has promised. Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I shall not be afraid, Lord, for You are with me. Your shepherd's rod and staff protect me. You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me; You welcome me as a honored guest and fill my cup to the brim. I know that Your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and Your house will be my home as long as I live."
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR SHARING WITH ME THIS DAY!! You see, dear friends are the sunshine of life. Dear friends bright up our lives with a smile. I should let you all know, my dear ONLINE FRIENDS, that I sincerely appreciate your kind visits to my blogs. Thanks so much for brightening my world with the warmth of your loving ONLINE FRIENDSHIP!! (((You are super friends.)))