"Brothers and sisters, fill your minds with whatever is good and true, whatever is pure, whatever is noble and right, whatever is lovely, whatever is honorable and admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Put them into practice, and God -who gives us peace- will be with you." (Philippians 4:8)

"Thanks for the Gift: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

We must train our minds to think upon these positive and peaceful things. We must keep our minds protected, because the devil could take advantage of those vulnerable ones.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Life is Not a Bed of Roses, but rather a Bed of Thorns.

"Life is Not a Bed of Roses, but rather a Bed of Thorns."

My lifetime has not been a bed of roses, but rather a bed of thorns. Many things happened in my life that made me stumble and fall. Yet Jesus rescued me. When I am going inside my heart, I discover that there haven't been anything more painful in this world compared to the suffering that Jesus endured during His time. Our dear Lord, Jesus Christ preached the word of God. He was an innocent man, although He was condemn to be crucified on the cross for no crime at all. It was a cruel injustice!! Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. He died for us, so that we may live an eternal life. Why don't we live for Jesus!! He was tortured, whipped, deceived, mocked, betrayed, shattered, insulted, crashed, beaten, nailed to the cross, crucified, forsaken...

We should stop complaining at little things that surround our world today, put a halt to shallow pretenses, and begin to unfold our true inner values. I believe in a BROTHERHOOD OF CHRISTIANS IN ACTION. Instead of talking nonsense and doing silly things, we must prepare for a spiritual battle to win over evil doers, evil spirits which dwell everywhere trying to steal and destroy God's wondrous creations. Call Jesus' Holy Name, and do good deeds in the Name of Jesus. The Rapture is round the corner. The tribulations will start. Then, the Lord Jesus is soon coming back. I am ready. I just can't wait to see my dear Lord, Jesus Christ.

Are you ready for that important and relevant event to happen?? I wonder...

The Lord has been the fountain of my inspirations, my vessel, my vineyard of life, and my golden retreat in Heaven.

Today's Bible Readings: (John 19) "Jesus is sentenced to death." "Pilate took Jesus and had Him whipped. The soldiers made a crown out of thorny branches and put it on His head; then put a purple robe on Him..." "Then, Jesus is crucified..."

(Isaiah 53: 4-6) "He endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that His suffering was punishment by God. But because of our sins He was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment He suffered, made whole by the blows He received. All of us were like sheep that were lost, each of us going his own way. But the Lord made the punishment fall on Him, the punishment that all of us deserved." These are the words of the Lord in the Scriptures. AMEN.

The Lord has been the fountain of my inspirations, my vessel, my vineyard of life, and my golden retreat in Heaven. Jesus died for us. Why don't we live for Him!!...

God may bless you all, dear readers!! I hope you enjoy reading my posts.

This inspirational blog will soon retire. Thank you in advance for visiting me!!

If you wish to remain in touch, I'll invite you to visit my new blog. I call it:

"Journeys and Journals from Our Galaxy." I'll post a little bit of everything there.

Christian American Website with wonderful inspirational Video-Poems with Music, you are all invited to visit. The Link is: http://www.openmyeyeslord.net/

Until we write again.

In God's Garden,

Poet Starry Dawn.


child of God said...

Very well put! We should stop complaining about the woes in our lives. We should give thanks and praise to God for He is the Maker of all.

Thanks for sharing Starry Dawn. I did get your email sister, thank you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, sweet dear friend, Child of God for taking your precious time to read my poem, visit my site, and write your heartfelt comments!!
I highly appreciate your friendship in Christ.
God bless you, and your beloved ones always!!
The Lord embraces you in His loving arms, making you shine, shine, shine...
Blessings and Love in Christ,
Poet Starry Dawn.