"Brothers and sisters, fill your minds with whatever is good and true, whatever is pure, whatever is noble and right, whatever is lovely, whatever is honorable and admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Put them into practice, and God -who gives us peace- will be with you." (Philippians 4:8)

"Thanks for the Gift: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

We must train our minds to think upon these positive and peaceful things. We must keep our minds protected, because the devil could take advantage of those vulnerable ones.

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Improve One Little Corner at a Time."

"Improve One Little Corner at a Time."

When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him and let go. Only one of two things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly.
There is an old saying: "If harsh situations don't kill you, they will make you stronger."
God is going to shift things around for you this day, and let things work in your favor. However, do not ask God to lead your way, if you are not willing to move your footsteps.
One little corner that you can improve each day, go ahead, and make that difference. Something wonderful will happen: the feeling and experience of reaching your goal and achievement.
To achieve great things require a modest effort repeated again and again. One little corner, one little step, one little inch after another at a time could make a major impact: the wondrous miracle of your life. Start right now, by improving one little corner, and you are on your way to change the world, to transform your own world for the better.
God's love is everywhere!! If we take the time to look around us, we'll see beautiful birds, flowers, mother nature and so on. We don't have to look far to see the miracles of life. God's clothes, the grass of the field... Let life come!! The richness of life is all around you. Drop your shallow pretenses and find in the Angels of God whisper good news after all!
There is much wisdom for you to discover in the every day life. Dive into your deepest feelings. The message is surely filled with rich meaning to teach you, for instance a dance of profound proportions, the power to change yourself for the better. Observe and explore all that is happening in your world. God is your Savior and the source of your existence.
You...lovingly watch the motion, listen to the music of your heart, and take note of how it makes you feel. Let life work its magic on you!!
Have you ever thought about this??...
Let us pray for all the Glory of God!!
Dear Lord,
We come before You in humble prayers to the desperate eyes and reaching hands, to the suffering and the lean, to the ones the world has cast aside, and where You want me, I will be.
I will go, Lord. Send me, please. I am hungry to serve You most deeply, dear Lord Jesus.
Let me not be blind with privilege, give me eyes to see the pain, let me see the wisdom inside things of an every day life, let the blessings You have poured out on me not be spent in vain, let this life be used for a change for the better. In Jesus' name, we pray. AMEN.
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Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

"Be still and know that I am God."
We need to keep quiet and listen to His voice..
He passes in the wind. He is the perfume of the flowers, the wave of the palm branches. And most of all, He is the dirty person in the street who needs our love and compassion.. Lets us be, His hands and His feet.. God Bless.

Starry Dawn said...

Oh, Crystal Mary, thank you so much for visiting my blog, and posting your kind and wise comments!! Welcome aboard at anytime, dear!! God bless you, Crystal Mary, and all those you love!!
Best Regards,
Starry Dawn.